Harvest is a fast pace environment filled with long days and late nights, and at Gleaner we understand that. Often times pickup headers are used in delicate, specialty crops with a short harvest window that bring a new set of needs and requirements into the picture. The recent introduction of our 4300 pickup header is designed to increase the profitability and comfort levels for those operators utilizing pickup headers to harvest their crop. We've taken the time to incorporate numerous features such as integrated auto header height and lateral tilt functions that keep the operator comfortable as the hours in the cab progress each day, and we've redesigned our draper belts to ensure feeding remains consistent even in the toughest, tangled crops while ensuring crop loss is kept minimal. Additionally, certain drive components have been updated to better handle the stress of a tough harvest without excess down time. You can rest assured the 4300 will help you get your harvest finished efficiently and comfortably.


In order to ensure proper feeding in heavy tangled crop conditions, the draper belts are joined together with connector bars while the front and rear drive roller have increased to 5” in diameter. The larger rollers and connected draper belts allow power to efficiently transfer through the system so individual belts cannot stall out in heavy crop mats or while working in tough thick stubble. Additionally the 4300 updates ensure draper belts track properly which keeps down time minimal.
In order to reduce areas for crop loss at the header, the 4300 utilizes 4 draper belts instead of 5 as well as improved seals in critical areas. Performance starts with the header, and making sure the header is not a source for loss is critical in maximizing profits.
Power is provided to the draper belts from a pair of hydraulic motors rather than a traditional belt drive system. The hydraulic motors provide variable speed capabilities with consistent power flow while reducing downtime associated with belt driven systems. Additionally, the auger drive chain is increased to an 80 chain for improved handling of heavy tough crop mats.